Events Calendar
2nd & 4th Saturday of every month from 10AM - Noon
Communications are vital in emergencies and hard times. Learn real skills, help prepare yourself and your community for a major disaster. Open to the public, no cost!
VVCPG Meeting
Date: Saturday, January 25th
Time: 10AM - Noon
Location: VFW 7400 Post, 705 E Aspen Street, Cottonwood, AZ 86326
Overview of income tax credit/donation to schools, charities etc.
E. A. Kitty McDowell, a tax professional, licensed by the IRS that’s able to represent clients in all states.
C.P.A. Vicki Bleak will be Kitty's guest and will show one of the projects that the credits can be used for.
- Radios: use, protocols, antennas, charging by Lang McGuire
Date: Tuesday, January 28th (once a month)
Time: 6-8PM
Location: Engrained Cabinets, 893 S Main St, Cottonwood, AZ 86326
VVCPG Meeting
Date: Saturday, February 8th
Time: 10AM - Noon
Location: VFW 7400 Post, 705 E Aspen Street, Cottonwood, AZ 86326
Fire Fighting, prevention, methods and preps. Home remedies/ fire fighting methods by Tom Looper
IFAK (individual 1st aid kit) uses, contents, inventory refurb & mods by CFD EMT Kenny Kubrock
Location: VFW 7400 Post, 705 E Aspen Street, Cottonwood, AZ 86326